Weekly Workouts 9/14 – 9/20 and 9/21 – 9/27/15

It’s been a couple of weeks and I owe you some weekly reviews. The first one will be very quick as I didn’t exercise for 10 days after the triathlon. I gradually felt like crap, having lost the battle with the cold/sinus infection. I had also lost my mojo for exercise and wasn’t sure when I would find it again.

Thankfully, I started to feel better on Wednesday of last week and could breathe enough to exercise. I’m feeling close enough to back-to-normal now that I’m ramping up my workouts again, focusing on running. My husband’s ankle is feeling better now and he agreed to run the Turkey Trot 8K with my brother-in-law and I. This means that we both need to increase our mileage again. We’ve got 8 weeks left and I’m confident that we’ll get there. I won’t be fast, but I’ll be able to run the entire race.

I’ve got a ways to go so we are starting off slow. I lost a lot of my endurance and don’t want to push too quickly. I don’t have access to a pool right now so swimming will have to wait another week or two.

Weekly Workouts 9/14 – 9/20/15:

No Exercise

Weekly Workouts 9/21 – 9/27/15:

Monday – Rest Day

Tuesday – Rest Day

Wednesday – Rest Day

Thursday – Ran 1.5 miles with my husband around the neighborhood. I was wheezing throughout the run and my lungs hurt. By the end of the run, it felt like they were being squeezed in a vise. My husband was trying to be supportive and encouraging, but I told him it was best if I didn’t talk. I had a case of the grumpies. 😦

Friday – Rest Day

Saturday – Wanted to run on a softer surface so I went to the local rail trail. I ran 1.5 miles, walked 1/4 mile, ran 1/4 mile, and finished up with a 1/4 mile walk. My legs were a little sore from getting back into running on Thursday, but were fine once I got going.

Sunday – Rest Day

Things I did well: So glad to be feeling better and back to exercise after the triathlon! It was looking bleak there for awhile and I was enjoying the laziness a little too much. I’ve been having green juice and/or green smoothies at least 5 days a week. I make one for my sister every weekday so it’s just as easy to make myself a little, too. 🙂


Things to work on: Make exercise a regular activity again. I miss my bike!

White Lake Fall 2015 Sprint Triathlon Race Report

Since the triathlon on Sunday, I have neither been in the pool nor pounded the pavement by foot or by bike. Instead, I’ve been struggling with a pesky cold. My daughter was home sick from school on Tuesday so the back-to-school bug got both of us. I am working on resting and drinking some green juice to get back on track.

Since this triathlon wasn’t too far, we didn’t have to leave until after lunch on Saturday to get to the hotel for check-in, have dinner, and pick up my race packet. I had made a reservation a few months back so we could stay in the town closer to the race. This worked out much better in so many ways.

The drive was through pretty countryside and there wasn’t a lot of traffic so we made good time. We checked into the hotel, chilled out for a little while, then went to dinner. I had found an Italian restaurant online that looked promising. We stopped at a grocery store so I could buy bagels for my pre-race breakfast and then found the restaurant. It was before 5pm, but the place was busy, both with locals and race people. Dinner was good, Bill choosing a calzone and me the chicken parmigiana. We filled up and then took our heavy selves back into the car to get to packet pick-up.

The ride took less than 10 minutes, I grabbed my t-shirt/race numbers and then took a moment to enjoy the view by the lake. The pre-race meeting was taking place, but I’ve heard it enough times that I’m comfortable skipping. We drove back to the hotel and I was so happy to lay on the bed and read. It was luxurious! Bill watched football and I did not care; I was not grading papers, cleaning, doing laundry, planning presentations, or cooking. I took a melatonin about 9 and then went to bed, sleeping well the first half of the night, but tossing and turning later on. Another plus of staying at this new motel was that it was quiet – no one partying until 4 in the morning.

Wake up time was 6am and I felt awake; I just didn’t feel 100%. I had told Bill that my throat was sore the last 2 days and I felt run-down. It wasn’t any better today. Following my angry mood, I asked myself, “Do you have cancer?” I said No and told myself to get ready. I had my bagel and peanut butter and then we got on the road. The plan was to get to the race by 7am and we rolled up at just that time.

Unfortunately, they closed the parking lot before we got there. Bill pulled over and I grabbed my bike and gear as quickly as I could. Not quick enough as a police officer started walking towards us. I hurried up, closed the door, and didn’t make eye contact with the officer. All good. 😉

I got my bike to transition, got body marked and my timing chip, then used the port-o-potty a couple few times. Bill and I found each other, then sat at the starting area until it was time for me to get in the water. Bill got my pre-race pic (a little dark), I hugged him, and then walked to the pier.


The race started at 8am, we cheered on the open athletes and then I jumped in the water. My wave started at 8:10. I like it when I don’t have to wait a long time (go open-water swims!) and can pee right before a race (go open-water swims!). With my cap and goggles on, I chatted with a couple women and then it was time to start. I was feeling confident about the swim because I’ve put a lot of effort into my swimming lately. It was a non-wetsuit swim and I was okay with that because a. I didn’t want to spend money renting one and b. I feel uncomfortable in it/don’t like to fight to get it off in transition.

Here’s our group in the water with the neon-green caps:


I was happy not to get kicked/hit too much during the swim. I felt like I was moving at a good pace…one that I could maintain and not burn up all my energy before getting on the bike. I gulped down some water because things got a little choppy right before the second turn buoy. I adjusted by turning my head more when breathing and finished up, climbing up the ladder and looking at my watch. I was really hoping for 18.5 minutes, but saw 21.5 minutes. What?!? I must have been swimming zig-zags. 😦 I took off my cap and goggles and started chuggling along the 300 yards to get to the transition area. My wonderful blog photographer/sherpa/cheering section got this shot of me coming in.


I was huffing and puffing and tried not to waste time in transition. Oh, I forgot to tell you about my awesome spot in transition. I was Bib #20 and my spot was right next to the bike out/bike in, with my bike facing out. Woohoo! Bill always sneaks up on me and gets a transition picture. I don’t think they are ever flattering. 😉 But look at that focus!


I left just as 4 or 5 others were leaving so there was a mini traffic jam at the bike mount line. I went off to the side and jumped on, telling myself to focus on getting the legs moving.

I was happy to be on the bike and it was a beautiful day for it so I focused on trying to enjoy the ride. I was pretty winded during the ride, but my pace was great…until I hit the road along the race side of the lake. The wind hit me and I slowed down significantly. That was hard going and I had another loop to do. I geared down a little and spun faster and that helped some.


I was certainly happy to get on the next road and have the wind more with me than against. As always, my butt got tired first. I kept adjusting how I was sitting on the seat and that helped. 14 miles done and only a 5K to run now.


I dismounted the bike, racked it, and took off to start the run. I know that the beginning always feels rough and I told myself to work through it. Yesterday, I decided to do 5 minute run/1 minute walk intervals. I was not happy with the pace, but I was proud that I stuck with these intervals for the entire run. I was moving so slowly. When I tried to speed up, I stared wheezing. Where did that come from? I don’t remember that happening before. I stuck it out and tried to cheer on as many people as I could. I knew at this point that I would be far off from my race goals, yet I also wanted to finish the best I could. I had my last walk interval and then got close to the end. There were some race volunteers cheering and one of the young ladies told me that she loved my tri top. She said to the others, “She is going to finish in style.” So cute! I took the turn and tried to kick it into high gear, but just didn’t have it in me. I was wheezing and was so happy to stop running. I got my water and hobbled over to Bill, trying to catch my breath. It wasn’t pretty. I told him that this was the worst I had felt at the end of a race.



I chugged the water, then went to see race results. I ended in 6th place out of 10 in the Athena category. I found out that the 10th woman was disqualified and am curious why that happened. I grabbed a soda, piece of pizza, and a couple of cookies. I knew that taking in some food would be a good idea. My whole body was sore and my chest ached. This was also a new experience for me after a race. After eating, Bill and I packed up and I had to walk my bike back to the car.

We drove home and I was so happy to take a shower. After a nap, we went out to eat dinner with my parents and daughter. My body felt tired, but fine. It was a nice evening out after the race.

Here are my official times (I put my goal times in parentheses):

750m swim = 21:36 (18:30)
T1 = 2:54 (3:30)
14mile bike = 53:28 (51:30)
T2 = 1:04 (1:00)
3.1 mile run = 41:05 (38:00)

Total time = 2:00:06 (1:52:30)

Am I happy with my time? No, I am not. Am I happy with my effort during the race? Yes, I am, because I gave everything I had. As slow as that race was, it’s what I had that day. I finished the 5 triathlons that I signed up for in the North Carolina Triathlon Series this year. I accomplished a goal and although I wish my times were better, I am proud that I did it. I’ll be making a decision about next year by the end of this year. I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing at least one or two triathlons. 😉

Weekly Workouts 9/7 – 9/13/15


Do you see me? I’m in there somewhere and anxiously awaiting the start of the White Lake Fall Sprint Triathlon. I’ll have a race recap for you at some point this week. I have a lot of work to do to get back to my fitness level from last year…and to see the race results that I was seeing last year. I was disappointed in my time, but know that I really gave what I had this weekend.

Weekly Workouts:

Monday – Rest Day

Tuesday – I went to the Y with my Dad today. He walked around the track to warm-up and then hit the weight machines while I did a run/walk on the treadmill. I did a 1/2 mile walk to warm-up, then ran for 1.5 miles before taking a 1 minute walk break and finishing up the second mile running. I followed up with another 1/2 mile walk to cool-down. I was happy to stay running for so long, keeping myself at a slow pace and getting used to running more continuously.

Wednesday – Swam laps for 1,000 yards with my husband at the neighborhood pool. It’s getting a little chilly so I don’t know how long I’ll be able to swim outside. The pool at the Y is in transition (they are putting the winter bubble up) so I might have to take a quick break in swimming.

Thursday – Took a short bike ride on a greenway trail this afternoon. I was feeling pretty blue today so I figured a little activity would help. Rode about 6 miles, just to get the heart pumping and legs moving.

Friday – One more session in the pool before this weekend’s race. I took it easy, only swimming 750 yards and going at a more relaxed pace.

Saturday – Rest Day

Sunday – Completed my 5th triathlon of the year at the White Lake Fall Sprint Triathlon. I swam 750m, biked 14 miles, and ran 5K. Again, I’ll have the race report up later this week.

Things I did well: Good taper week, followed up by my 5th triathlon of 2015. I only did 2 triathlons last year so this year has been a good learning experience.

Things to work on: Need to build up my fitness and endurance levels again, mostly on the running.

White Lake Fall 2015 Sprint Triathlon Race Goals

Happy Almost Weekend!

This is it…my last triathlon of the season is this Sunday. I wanted to check-in briefly and write out my race goals. It helps me visualize and commit to a strong performance. I really want to give my best effort and not phone it in on the run, like I have the last couple of races. My worries are never about the swim or bike portions now. It’s nice not to stress about the entire race anymore.

Normally, I like to focus on a positive mantra, but I’ve been quite angry lately after hearing my sister’s diagnosis of breast cancer. I’ve decided to take the tough love approach with myself instead. Whenever I get tired, I’m going to ask myself, “Do you have cancer?” When I answer no, I will tell myself to “Shut up and swim/bike/run then!” I’ll go back to the positive mantras next season. I’ll let you know how it works out.

Race Goals:

Swim (750 yards)  18.5 min
T1                            3.5 min
Bike    (14 miles)    51.5 min
T2                            1 min
Run    (3.1 miles)    38 min

Total                     1:52:30

My husband will be coming with me so I’ll have some pictures for this last triathlon. He’s a great sherpa/blog photographer. 😉 I’ll leave you with my favorite picture from the first White Lake Triathlon that I did in April, 2014. I took the picture the night before the race. It was a beautiful evening and the area is lovely, as well.

2014-04-11 19.13.32

Weekly Workouts 8/31 – 9/6/15

It’s been another week of appointments for my sister. My parents are here now and we are doing whatever we can to support her…and we’re trying not to annoy her, but I’m not sure how we’re doing at that. 😉

Here’s a picture from this weekend of my sisters and I with my niece on my lap. I got my picture album out for us to look over at my younger sister’s birthday dinner. It’s fun to look over old pictures and chuckle.


On the workout front, I am definitely feeling better. I broke down and bought another pair of running shoes and I’ll fill you in on that next week. I don’t have much time today so let’s get right to my workouts.

Weekly Workouts:

Monday – Rest Day

Tuesday – I did a 2.75 mile run/walk on the rail trail this morning. I’m working on reducing my walking interval times and pushing my pace on the run intervals. This time I did 3.5 minutes run: 1.5 minutes walk.

Wednesday – Swam laps this morning and had my fastest time yet. I’ve found that it really does make a difference when I’m swimming close to 3 times each week. In the evening, I ran a mile with my daughter. This is a big deal as she has resisted running and agreed to it tonight on a whim, I think. We had just eaten dinner at Red Lobster and I was full, but I was not saying no. I didn’t know when this opportunity would present itself again. We went out and I encouraged Brenna to start out slow with a pace that she can maintain. We started out and ran side-by-side. I was so happy; my daughter was finally my running buddy. It may not last long and I knew to enjoy every minute of it. 🙂 We stopped a little after 1/2 mile for a quick walk, then started jogging again, working our way up the hill back to the house. I pushed her towards the end to finish strong and she came in at 12:05 for the mile. I am so proud of her! I tried to make it a positive experience so she will run again with me.

Thursday – Rest Day

Friday – Swam laps this morning and enjoyed every lap, using the swim as meditation and time to de-stress.

Saturday – Another run/walk on the rail trail. I only did 2.5 miles, but upped my run time and decreased by walk time from Tuesday, doing 4 minutes run: 1 minute walk intervals. I’m working on faster cadence, too.

Sunday – Went biking with my husband this morning as our daughter was spending the night at her cousin’s house. The temperature was perfect and it was still somewhat cloudy. I told Bill that we should keep our pace slower because of all of the walkers, but we ended up doing a faster pace than we have in some time, covering a little over 12 miles. Oh well, I had good intentions. It was great because we finished strong up the hill.

Things I did well: Much better on the running front this week and happy with my bike and swim speeds.

Things to work on: Increase the time of my swim workouts and running mileage.